The park is separated from the busy highway by an undulating wall and is made up of three parts, three gardens. The Shadow Garden is the park�s �urban� part, a �square� with hard flooring and dense trees that offers several shady seating areas. The Green Garden, in the center of the park, is a trapezoidal cut into the ground entirely covered with lawn. Visitors sit or lay on the sloped surfaces or the seating of its sides in order to rest or sunbathe. In its lowest level, a new, artificial watercourse recreates the bank of the stream that runs below. During winter it collects the rain water necessary for watering the Park while in the summer it turns into a space for small-scale cultural events. The Collective Garden is a series of small plots-gardens that are �adopted� by the citizens who then get to choose the plants and become responsible for their being well preserved. The Collective Garden expresses the citizens� diversity through the diversity of its plants: different colors, densities, sizes and flowers.
Architect: Yannis Aesopos
_Collaborating architects: Harris Biskos, Ivi Diamantopoulou _