The city’s main street, cut-off due to the creation of the park, is transformed into a pedestrian street that operates as a “terminal” that leads to the park’s multiple alternative destinations, the “islands”. The islands are platforms that support different recreational and cultural programs: plaza, café, café garden, kunsthal, kindergarten, basketball court, pick-nick and sunbathing hills, “red forest”, flower garden, lily-pond garden. Access from the pedestrian street to the various islands is made possible through an orthogonal network of primary and secondary pathways that cover the entire site. Around the islands, a large number of deciduous trees are planted; in the summer the islands are not visible from the city and one has the impression of a unified natural environment while, in the winter, the various islands are revealed and the park’s organizing structure becomes readable.

Architect: Yannis Aesopos
_Collaborating architects: Harris Biskos, Ivi Diamantopoulou, Yannis Kitanis _